Marketing and Communication

LinkedIn Post Planner

The LinkedIn Post Planner digitizes and structures the entire process. This enables great strategic communication.

active users
3 days
development time

The LinkedIn Post Planner supports the entire process: from finding topics, to the content plan, to writing and releasing the final posts. The status is visible to all users, which keeps the solution clearly organized. Thanks to the integration with Microsoft Teams and the use of Teams Messages, the SharePoint solution fits perfectly into the team's day-to-day work.


At SOS-Kinderdorf e.V., several teams and individuals are involved in the LinkedIn posting process. The team can define topics, which are then structured in a content plan and finally turned into posts. This process should be supported with a suitable tool.

Posts should also go through a defined approval loop. In addition, notifications and reminders are needed so that posts can be completed on time.

The process started with the team of weniger bla. Together with SOS-Kinderdorf e.V., they've developed a new strategic process for posting on LinkedIn. To support this digitally, they were looking for a suitable tool and approached the skybow team.

The LinkedIn Post Planner had to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Easy integration into everyday work tools
  • Clear overview of the status of posts
  • Customized approval processes
  • Role management for users

Why is skybow the best fit?

Standard software couldn't cover the already established processes as desired. Establishing a new process based on a new tool is difficult and requires a lot of onboarding and change management.

The skybow Solution Studio therefore offered the perfect solution. Here, the individual process could be perfectly mapped and refined in just a few working hours.

The integration into Microsoft Teams was also important. This is easily possible for SharePoint solutions built with the skybow Solution Studio. This software is already used by the team on a daily basis. It was therefore only logical to integrate the new LinkedIn Post Planner there as well.

No new tool or a new login was required for the users. This significantly shortened the onboarding process and simplified the usage.

"The skybow solution fits our process and the team perfectly. In addition, the implementation of the LinkedIn Post Planner was extremely fast.", Victoria Leipert (Head of Internal and External Communications, SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.)

Sophie Nowak
Sophie Nowak
Coordinator Internal Communication, SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.

The LinkedIn Post Planner has helped us to structure and digitize our process. Thanks to the solution, the entire team can participate in the process. Nevertheless, the overview is never lost. The tool makes it much easier for us to collaborate on LinkedIn postings and simplifies internal communication.

How skybow solved the challenge for SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.

The goal

The LinkedIn Post Planner should offer the possibility to submit potential topics for posts at any time. In addition, the solution needed to provide a content planner so that topics can be scheduled. The relevant people were then to be automatically tasked with writing the posts. At the end, these posts have to go through an approval process.

The LinkedIn Post Planner was developed in collaboration with the team at weniger bla. They are experts in strategic communication on social media for SMEs. With the help of their expert knowledge, it was possible to ensure that the solution provides SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. with the best possible support for strategic communication on LinkedIn.

SharePoint Forms to guide users through the process

Users should be able to submit possible topics for a LinkedIn post and later write the final post and upload media for it. The LinkedIn Post Planner is designed to guide users through these processes as easily as possible.

It's particularly important that posts are written according to a strategically developed guideline. The SharePoint forms in the LinkedIn Post Planner for these tasks have therefore been built to guide users perfectly through this process. They cannot forget any information and always have the guidelines at their disposal.

SharePoint forms in the LinkedIn Post Planner for submitting a new topic.

Customized workflows to digitize the existing processes

The advantage of a SharePoint solution for a LinkedIn Post Planner is that the tool can be perfectly adapted to the processes in place.

Mapping the current processes in the LinkedIn Post Planner was therefore a central element in the development. Here's a brief overview of the processes implemented in the LinkedIn Post Planner of SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.:

  • Submit a topic: Users can submit possible topics for LinkedIn posts at any time.
  • Submit a time-sensitive topic: If urgent topics arise, there is a separate "emergency process" for this in order to be able to react at any time.
  • Schedule topics: In a monthly call, topics are selected from the submitted suggestions and scheduled into a content plan.
  • Writing a post: Once a topic has been scheduled, a post must be formulated from it.
  • Post approval: All posts go through a review process and are finalized.

A user authorization concept was also developed for the various processes and process steps in the LinkedIn Post Planner. This means that users only ever see the steps and buttons for which they are authorized. This simplifies the use of the tool and improves the user experience.

Customized workflows in the LinkedIn Post Planner

Automation actions to reduce manual work

The processes of SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. were not only to be digitized in the new LinkedIn Post Planner, but also partially automated. This significantly reduces manual effort. The automation actions also give users a better overview of the processes.

The main focus here was on automated notifications in Microsoft Teams. Users receive a personal notification when their topic has been scheduled for the coming month. Users are also automatically notified when submitted posts were approved or rejected and need to be corrected.

In addition, Microsoft Teams messages for the team of admins are sent to a Teams Channel. Such messages are sent, for example, when a post has been sent for approval or a time-sensitive topic has been submitted.

Automated Notifications from the LinkedIn Post Planner via Microsoft Teams.

The Solution

The LinkedIn Post Planner has not only digitized the process of SOS-Kinderdorf e.V., but also modernized and streamlined it.

The solution helps the team to organize communication on LinkedIn. It has also reduced the workload for the admin team. Thanks to the automations and digital processes, they no longer have to manually keep an eye on the posts' status.

The quality of the posts is ensured by incorporating approval processes. The user authorization concept has created clear guidance, as users can only act according to their rights.

As the LinkedIn Post Planner is fully integrated into Microsoft Teams, the team is able to simply work with the tool that they were already using on a daily basis.

LinkedIn Post Planner seamlessly integrated into Microsoft Teams.

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