Add powerful actions and automate your workflow

Use our drag & drop builder to turn your SharePoint forms, lists and pages into business workflows without coding and within minutes.
How it works
Trusted by Microsoft 365 Experts around the globe
Automate your SharePoint workflow without coding.
100 % integrated into Sharepoint

Create powerful automationsexactly how and where you need them

Teams: Use automated SharePoint workflows in Microsoft Teams.

Trigger automations from Microsoft Teams

Build any custom SharePoint workflow
Less technical expertise through low-code
Integrate your solutions into Microsoft Teams
Lists: Integrate automated SharePoint workflows in your lists and document libraries.

Power up your Lists and Document Libraries

Seamlessly integrated into the command bar
Create multi-level action navigations
Define visibility based on logic
Forms: Add automated SharePoint workflows directly to your SharePoint Forms

Add logic to your Forms

Execute automated workflows on form load
Trigger custom automations on your forms
Create forms tailored exactly to your needs

LinkedIn Post Planner

The LinkedIn Post Planner digitizes and structures the entire process. This enables great strategic communication.

Read case study
active users
3 days
development time
Sophie Nowak
Coordinator Internal Communication, SOS-Kinderdorf e.V.

The LinkedIn Post Planner has helped us to structure and digitize our process. Thanks to the solution, the entire team can participate in the process. Nevertheless, the overview is never lost. The tool makes it much easier for us to collaborate on LinkedIn postings and simplifies internal communication.

LinkedIn Post Planner

SharePoint HR Portal

The SharePoint HR Portal is a complete SaaS solution for HR teams based on skybow technology.

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Different HR modules
Months to launch
Christina Mokoru
Co-Founder & Chief of Product Development, pemundo

skybow's low-code platform provides the perfect basis for building digital solutions that can be sold on to numerous customers. Thanks to skybow, modules are super quick and easy to build. Provisioning or updates to the built solution also work reliably. In addition, the solutions can be customized for customers with minimal effort.

SharePoint HR Portal

Product Development Tracker

The product development tracker maps the entire development process and all the stages and approvals it contains.

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Daily active users
Products at the same time
Dieter Jauslin
Expert Digital Workplace, Endress+Hauser

What we particularly appreciate about skybow is that the solution is so well thought out. It offers exactly the functions you need - no overload. The team also provides outstanding support. We notice everyday that the tool was built by real M365 experts. I can only recommend it for any M365 project.

Product Development Tracker

CAPEX Approval Workflow

CAPEX approval workflows for business procurement are now clearly structured and automated in a central solution.

Read case study
5 Weeks
Project Time
Bram Gijsbers
ICT Support & System Engineer, Plastiflex Group

skybow has an impressive toolset and is great relief for our team for the development of new SharePoint workflows. The low-code tool provides exactly the features that SharePoint developers want. In addition, we can always count on the support of the skybow team. They are there to answer all our questions with very competent solutions.

CAPEX Approval Workflow

Resource Schedule

Much more efficient and easier resource planning for your business.

Read case study
Days of development
to your size
Lewis Blackwell
SharePoint Architect, kwel.

I chose to build this online resource scheduling solution using Skybow's low-code platform because it allowed me to create a custom solution quickly and easily, without the need for extensive coding.

Resource Schedule

Build your automated SharePoint workflows easily

Configure your automation actions in the intuitive and powerful editor. The actions are executed in a series and can be skipped with dynamic conditions. All actions as well as the execution order can be adjusted in seconds via drag & drop.

Create the automated workflows you need

Automate a sequence of actions
Loop an action or a group of actions repeatedly
Define execution conditions for each action
Use different triggers for your automated workflows
Our worry-free licenceWe do not charge per action/flow/consumption.
One price for everything.
Easily create custom automated SharePoint workflows with the skybow builder
SharePoint Icon
Generate document
SharePoint Icon
Copy document
SharePoint Icon
Move document
SharePoint Icon
Upload document
SharePoint Icon
Copy folder
SharePoint Icon
Create new folder
SharePoint Icon
Convert to PDF
Execute script
Set variable
Send HTTP request
Open web page
Redirect to tab
Refresh Rich Text controls
Microsoft Teams Icon
Create a team
Microsoft Teams Icon
Create a team from existing group
Microsoft Teams Icon
Clone a team
Microsoft Teams Icon
Create a channel
Microsoft Teams Icon
Create a tab
Microsoft Teams Icon
Create a tag
Microsoft Teams Icon
Add members to a team
Microsoft Teams Icon
Remove members from a team
Microsoft Teams Icon
Update a team
Microsoft Teams Icon
Update a channel
Create a M365 group
Update a M365 group
Delete a M365 group
Create bucket
Create plan
Clone plan
Create task
Delete task
Update task
Clone a note
document icon
Generate document
document icon
Copy document
document icon
Move document
document icon
Upload document
document icon
Copy folder
document icon
Create new folder
document icon
Convert to PDF
Send email
Send internal email
Show a message
Send MS Teams message

Choose from our ready to use automations or build your own

All automation actions can be combined into smart automated SharePoint workflows. You can use different triggers, like button click, scheduled or triggered by an action. Each of the actions can be easily and quickly customized to your needs thanks to the skybow low-code wizard.

Trigger automated workflows when you need them

Use different trigger types to run your SharePoint automation actions when they are needed
Run automated background workflows with our scheduled or triggered actions
Give your users the possibility to start whole SharePoint workflows or single actions on click
Different trigger types for automated SharePoint workflows.
Start building now

Let's set up the perfect low-code environment for your needs.

Book your setup call

Why our customers
love working with us

Christoph Kubesch

skybow integrates perfectly with SharePoint Online. It opens up countless possibilities to digitize forms and processes with Solution Studio.

Christoph Kubesch

Technical Coordination Lead & Solution Architect, Solvion
Bram Gijbers

skybow had more to offer than all the other options and working with the skybow Solution Studio is a lot easier than working with the Power Platform and Power Automate.

Bram Gijbers

ICT Support & System Engineer, Plastiflex Group
Patrick Aeron

An absolutely worthy product, skybow Solution Studio is not only impressive in its looks and functions but also extremely relevant to the modern needs and requirements of SharePoint Online.

Patrick Aeron

System Engineer, Hint AG
Holger Hellenbroich

I am thrilled with the flexibility of skybow. It allows us to meet our clients individually and to show presentable results within a very short time.

Holger Hellenbroich

CEO, 4Hopes GmbH
Swiss Flag emoji
Swiss Quality

Everything you need

stacked layers icon

Built for builders

Flexible, low-code platform for building custom business applications that meet specific business needs and requirements.

support skybow icon

Support you can rely on

Responsive and knowledgeable assistance, that goes the extra mile.

documentation skybow icon

Detailed documentation

Clear and comprehensive information, enabling users to fully utilize the product’s capabilities and effectively troubleshoot any issues.

Easy Provisioning

Reduce backtracking and double-work by using templates and self-built checkpoints.

speach bubble icon

Feedback welcome

We want to improve at all times and you can help us with that. So let us know what you think about our technology.

security skybow icon

100% risk free

Free trial period allowing users to fully test and evaluate the product before making a commitment.

Back in 2015, skybow's form designer was better than anything on the market, and that is still the case today.

Jan Boltz, CEO of PointPro Solutions GmbH
Skybow consultant helping a client.
Start now

Let's talk about your workflows

We know the feeling of wanting to get started straight away. Let's create the perfect set-up together.

30 minutes to create your low-code setup
Individual plan for your first workflow
Time for Q&A
Book your free call now!