Contract Management

skybow Contract Management simplifies license management with a single source of truth, email alerts, and easy tracking.

Contract Management

skybow Contract Management simplifies license management immensely. The solution creates a single source of truth for all current licenses and contracts. These are displayed with all available data and documents. Users are automatically notified via email about expiring or automatically renewing contracts. Current subscriptions no longer need to be checked and monitored manually.

The status of existing contracts can be adjusted at any time. Even contracts that have already been cancelled can still be viewed for reasons of documentation and traceability. In this way, the solution creates a structured overview, reduces manual effort, and prevents chaos.

Key features

  • Sending triggered notifications automatically
  • Clearly structured dossiers (master-detail-relations)
  • Document Management

Process steps you can test

  • Register new subscriptions or cancel contracts
  • Change the status of existing subscriptions/contracts
  • Replace subscriptions/contracts
  • Store and manage documents
  • Receive automated reminders via e-mail

What customers love about the solution

Never check subscriptions manually ever again. You are automatically notified via email about expiring or automatically renewing contracts.

Screenshots of the solution

Keep an overview of all expenses and their progress.
All details and documents centralised in one place.
Add new or planned expenses quickly and easily via SharePoint Form.
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