Expense Tracking

The skybow Expense Tracker enables multi-stage expense approvals, manager updates via MS Teams or email, and status tracking for clarity.

Expense Tracking

The skybow Expense Tracker is a multi-stage approval process. Employees can easily record planned expenses. These are assigned to one of the managers. Depending on the amount of the expense, it must be approved in stages by one or more management levels.

A signature is required to authorize an expense, which can be submitted on the SharePoint form created for this purpose. The responsible persons are always kept up to date on the progress of the process via MS Teams message or e-mail. Reminders are also sent to managers via the same communication channels if they don't approve or reject issues in time.

In addition, the status of your own requested expenses can be viewed at any time via the tool. This ensures that the process is as clear as possible. There is no chaos and approvals from the past can still be backtracked at any time.

Key features

  • Multi-stage Approval Process
  • Signature Pad
  • Automated notifications
  • Automatically generated PDF Reports
  • File Preview on Forms

Process steps you can test

  • Authorisation concept with multiple roles for a multi-stage approval process
  • Request new expense
  • Approve/reject expenses
  • Generate PDF reports

What customers love about the solution

Depending on the amount of the expense, there is a second approval layer in place.

Screenshots of the solution

Set up your solution at the beginning
Get an overview over your expenses and quick actions
See a detailes view of your expenses including file preview, your current step in the process and all meta data
Test Expense Tracking live
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